Secrets Kept, Bodies Buried

How many secrets does our government keep.
How far into our lives, does the secrecy creep.
How much power do the power-mad seek.
What lengths would they go to, to stifle a leak.
If bodies are buried, who knows where they are.
Has the left in this country, gone one step too far.
The questions are many, the answers too few.
What evidence has been buried, swept out of view.
Why so many suicides, that cannot be explained.
So many investigations where nothing is gained.
Why do corrupt politicians, always get passes.
Why does the American Pravda, lie to the masses.
What really happened to Epstein, who has his book.
Who took trips to his island and how many were took.
Is it safe to ask questions, is there reason to fear.
That if something comes to light, you might disappear.
What of the Clintons, how much evil's been done.
Who's pulling the triggers, who hired the guns.
What of Joe Biden and his influence peddling.
Why are the Chinese allowed to be here meddling.
Why are there so many crimes for which nobody pays.
Why are there so many games the democrats play.
  Why is the department of justice weaponized by the left.
The FBI won't investigate govt. malfeasance and theft.
Why doesn't Washington work for the people any more. 
Why is Joe Biden leading us into the next world war.
Why can the right see the signs, a harbinger of ill.
That the democrats are taking us straight to Hell.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/26/23