Seeing the Forest

I see the forest, I see the trees, I see them both and I think geesh.
Fools who can't see one for the other, must be smoking hashish.
Same as saying, can't hear the truth through the unending lies.
Maybe you don't get the joke but stupidly still slap your thighs.
The democrats are recruiting, they will likely think you're cool.
Just like with president Biden, someone will clean up your drool.
They're looking for morons, preferrably with college degrees.
That can thrive on handouts and lots of government cheese.
Fools that are willing to protest, never knowing why or what for.
College educated twits, whose professors were communist bores.
Fools who can memorize chants after a few million repetititions.
Who don't have a clue what it means but love committing sedition.
 Who don't know earning their chops, means going to prison.
Who think that devil worship, makes them a good christian.
They think backwards is forwards, kudos to their professors.
The same evil educators who set themselves up as confessors.
Handing out diplomas to robots they programmed with lies.
Passing the hash hookah around on their continuous highs.
Our institutes of higher education, hold themselves in high esteem.
As they go about subverting and destroying the American dream.
Don't send your kids to these universities, hang onto your money.
When they return to live in your basement you won't think it funny.
You won't be getting a refund, you'll be stuck with an adult loser.
An educated cretin, most likely a Joe Biden type schmoozer.
Take off the blinders, I promise you, there's a forest in those trees.
Save yourself from the heartbreak and outrageous tuition fees.
Keep your kids at home, send them out looking for honest work.
You'll be thankful you did, you don't want a college taught jerk.
With a good for nothing diploma,  useful to wipe their dumb a*s.
If they stay away from a "higher" education, they could be upper class.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/8/23