Selling Our Future

Ridiculous plots and ignorant schemes, 
mainlined straight into the American dream.
Addicting young minds to hype and false hope,
compromising their futures, their ability to cope.
Just like real drugs taking over their minds,
an insidious future is all they will find.
They will rest on the laurels no one has earned,
not realizing behind them, bridges have burned.
Families abandoned, commonsense cast aside,
 trash their own heritage, heads swelled with false pride.
A recipe for disaster, an appetite they must whet,
everyday sinking further into Lucifer's net.
 Helplessly watching their dreams ruined too,
parents cry out for help, what else can they do.
Government for the people, those days are gone,
it's about selling the nightmare of an evil new dawn.
Venders of outrageous lies and future despair,
The mark of the beast is our childrens vacant stares.
The arbiters of destruction, long ago sold their souls,
their purpose in life is fulfilling Lucifer's goals.
It's a sad situation, the outcome will be dire.
how can we as Americans let such evil transpire.
We sit on our hands, we let the left have it's way.
we watch our chidren as they're led astray.
We let this happen as we pursue temporal gold,
Not realizing the lies we've been sold.
When we finally wake up, our future is gone,
Our children are lost on the path they are on.
We will answer to God, The blame lies with us,
we effectively tossed our kids into lucifer's bus.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/1/23
