The Semi-Fascist

I'm only a semi-fascist, guess I don't try very hard.
I don't have a pocketfull of hateful race cards.
I don't shut down free speech by shouting you down.
I might call you stupid, some kind of a*s-clown.
But I'll let you speak and make a fool of yourself.
I might mention and mock your communist filth.
I won't try to destroy you or cost you your job.
I won't get in your face, acting like a snob.
I'll listen intently, turn and quietly walk away.
When I've had enough of the dumb crap you say.
But I won't assault you or spit in your face.
I won't attack you and spray you with mace.
I'll just go home and compose a nice poem about you.
One you can read later, and deny that it's true.
I won't be surprised when you come knock at my door.
When you kick it down, knocking me to the floor.
When you stomp on my face and cut off my hand.
Because the truth about you, you can't understand.
After you leave, I'll drive myself to the clinic.
Reattach my lopped off hand and still be a cynic.
Being a semi-fascist, does not define me at all.
I can control myself and not come off the wall.
You though are a fascist and you're really a pro.
You shut down free speech and thought, wherever you go.
It's your way or the highway or perhaps early grave.
If you can't shut me up, you'll make me a slave.
You'll force my compliance, or I should say, you'll try.
If you're not a real fascist, I sure can't see why.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/7/22
