She’s Talkin’ Bout Joe

There's nothing to see here, Jill Biden, misled.
Joe's non-functioning brain, doesn't mean he's brain dead.
He can still think for himself, with no idea what he's thinking.
Joe's a tee-totaler, so he hasn't been drinking.
He's never done anything to cause a bump to his head.
There's no obvious reason no one recalls what he's said.
Someone suggested that Joe has come down with oldtimerz.
That's why he gropes children at playgrounds and diners.
Joe sniffs childrens hair because he smells his brain burning.
Not because of some perverted old man's demented yearning.
Joe is '' Lunchbucket Joe" not some old out-to-lunch freak.
If Joe knew what to say, he'd still know how to speak.
Joe likes to think he's the portrait of Dorian Gray.
He thinks he's a young man not an old man rapidly fading away.
His train of thought leaves him in the middle of thoughts.
That's why he can't remember all of his lies and plots.
He's an old burnt out hippie that doesn't know what to do.
Who embellishes old lies everyone knows are not true.
His decline is quite obvious, his final destination is known.
He's just one step away from an old folks nursing home.
Remember, "there's nothing to see here" Jill Biden repeats.
At least Joe isn't on twitter composing assinine tweets.
Joe's mind is occupied doing what an empty head does.
Craving Pudding and Ice Cream and what he once was.
D.L. Crockett -- 11/24/22