Slaves of Stupidity

The democrat base has been transformed into slaves of stupidity.
By elitist, pandering leaders whose brains have lost all lucidity.
Be they black, brown, yellow or white, they are slaves of the state.
Taught to be useless idiot victims, they don't know how to relate.
Public schools are the brainwashing tools of a communist Hell.
Where the victims of democrat hatemongers think all is unwell.
They are paid to be stupid and lazy, paid to protest and whine.
Taught that an elitist government is there to make everything fine.
They're taught their purpose in life is to demand reparations.
Free money makes everything better, is the sole expectation.
They're education  sadly neglected, they have no ability to discern.
They soon have only one goal in life, to see all society burn.
Unable to see the trees for the forest, they respond to the lies.
Thinking that uncontrolled anarchy will earn them a prize.
They destroy their own neighborhoods, ruin their own lives.
The communist's usual cannon fodder, backs full of knives.
Slaves to a communist ideology they're unable to understand.
All they know is how to tear down, making stupid demands.
Slaves to marxist stupidity, slaves to their governments greed.
It ends with them having nothing but the streets where they bleed.
The free ride always ends when ideological slaves finally waken.
 They see how their dignity and free will are subverted and taken.
It happens when their usefulness to the state has been used up.
And the communists can no longer fill their free handout cups.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/12/23
