Slippery Slopes

Someone stuck a red flag on his lawn, the ATF showed up the same day.
They kicked down his front door and drug him and his family away.
They searched the whole house, confiscating every one of his guns.
No search warrant, no warning, the constitution is being undone.
Some anti-gun activist was exercising his new communist right.
Getting rid of his neighbor stealthily with a red flag in the dark of the night.
All it takes is an anonymous neighbor, with a grudge or a complaint.
Don't matter if you've been law-abiding, or a priest or a recognized saint.
Even if you've done everything legally and have broken no anti-gun laws.
The red flag law is the next load of BS to be stuck down our craws.
It's bearing false witness on steroids, without saying a damn thing.
Think of all the hate and destruction this kind of stupid law brings.
It won't stop with taking your guns, it's another leftist slippery slope.
Or maybe a purple flag signifying you believe in God or the pope.
Why not a new law using a pink flag that means you're families anti-gay.
Then the new department of thought police drags your family away.
No charges, no trial , no warrant, just for something you might say.
This is where the left is taking us. the new anti-American fascist way.
Or a green flag planted by a neighbor, that just wants your family gone.
The red flag is the catalyst, the slippery slope to the new red dawn.
With no laws passed by congress, new EOs signed by Biden's pen.
The new anonymous neighbor laws will make sure the marxists win.
There will be armies of agents, created by a totalitarian decree.
The death of the constitution and America through usurped authority.
We will conform and comply, or disappear in the dark of the night.
A gift of the new world order, the anonymous govt. communist blight.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/22/23
