Slipping Into Darkness

Slipping into darkness, Joe drags us down every day.
Our reputation of greatness is being frittered away.
He is obviously compromised and he's not getting better.
The furthest thing from reality is  Joe the go-getter.

Our enemies are laughing, our allies  in shock.
We're not moving forward, we've turned back the clock.
The democrats aren't worried, they're running the show.
Joe Biden is happy being told, he's in control Joe.

Our foriegn policy sucks, an evil axis is growing.
Biden does not have a clue, which way the wind's blowing.
He can't answer questions, he can't think for himself.
He can't function mentally with his sunsetting health.

Hunter should be in prison, Joe drags him around.
Like he's the goodwill ambassador of Bozo the Clown.
It's time for the Bidens to get off the American stage.
Prop up the next puppet and turn the damn page.

Kamala's next in line in the Left's succession of fools.
A subservient strumpet, another communist tool.
Hunter goes to prison, Biden to a nursing home.
Jill will be paid millions to write a bulls**t filled tome.

We will slip further into darkness, their direction of choice.
Having traded one fool for Kamala's cackling voice.
Americans will still suffer, things will get far worse.
 The left in charge of the treasury they'll empty the purse.

We the People will be praying for God to step in.
To save us from ourselves by our chinny chin chins.
America was founded on a covenant we've now broke.
That's why we're slipping into darkness, IT'S NOT A JOKE!

There's way too much pandering, too much evil pride.
Too much commonsense and the truth being denied.
Too many of God's children groomed to the wrong path.
Maybe our only salvation is to feel God's wrath.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/14/23