Smoke & Mirrors

It's all smoke and mirrors, this time over our heads.
On earth we've no reason to believe what's been said.
It's more democrat games to make Biden look tough.
To show he's on his toes, that he's had enough.
Where are the pictures, are we all being spoofed.
Is this fabricated out of thin air, where is the proof.
 While Joe's back in the basement, with nothing to say.
Probably wishing his problems would just go away.
Why aren't we hearing about the Ohio Chernobyl.
The chemical trainwreck turning the area to rubble.
I've lost my interest in these nonexsistent balloons.
Though they've made it clear that Joe's a buffoon.
I don't think He's tough, for sure not in control.
Washington has turned into a sucking black hole.
If the truth should appear it's sucked into oblivion.
We're now a banana republic, worse than Bolivian.
If Biden says anything, it will be more prepared lies.
I'm sure he'll just throw it out there, whatever flies.
Or we'll  have a presser with the fool Jean-Pierre.
Joe's Whitehouse jester, a liar extraordinaire.
The D-rats will wait for or create the next crisis dujour.
Then, We the People will have more bullsh*t to endure.
More nonsensical pressers, more circular thinking.
More rotting in Washington with everything stinking.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/14/23