Sold His Soul

For spreading their lies, he got a pat on the back.
A grin from his father and a place to smoke crack.
For all his crimes, he was granted immunity.
 A pass for laws broken, to break more with impunity.
He's the son of Brandon, the apple in Brandon's eye.
Hunter's such a good lad, Joe say's he won't ever lie.
He fronts for Brandon, in his lust for money and power.
When he's not doing drugs with hookers is his shower.
Funneling money to Joe, from Russia, China and Ukraine.
When asked where they got it, neither one will explain.
When asked about Hunter, Brandon gets really mad.
He says he's proud of Hunter, his son's a good lad.
He denies all the laptops, and the sick things found.
Hunter, it seems, leaves laptops laying around.
Laptops full of pictures of Hunter on drugs.
With countless emails, proving the Biden's are thugs.
The MSM tells us, there's no laptop, nothing to see.
It's Russian disinformation, a rightwing conspiracy.
Be that as it ain't, the Biden family are all crooks.
Say it ain't so, and keep on cooking the books.
Brandon's been compromised, he has sold his soul.
Where his heart was, there's an empty hole.
Hunter's might just be a victim of his father's greed.
Paid off with drugs and hookers, what addicts need.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/14/22