Your right to bear arms, shall be infringed upon.
Your search for happiness, pretty much, lost and gone.
Your life savings, disappearing, less and less every day.
It’s all a big game, the left thinks we need to play.
My car sits in the driveway, I can’t afford gas today.
Why can’t Biden’s policies, disappear, just go away.
Who let the marxists in, who voted this fool in.
Did they believe his lies, or fall for his stupid grin.
Your taxes are rising, they’re stealing your money.
Your future is looking, less bright and less sunny.
The food items you like, can no longer be found.
The response from Biden, not a peep, not a sound.
He really gets angry, he won’t accept any blame.
He lies straight to our faces, it’s always the same.
He has two favorite scapegoats, Putin and Trump.
Behind his smoke and mirrors, Biden’s the chump.
The people are hurting, everything’s up in the air.
Joe’s a new kind of farmer, he’s sowing, despair.
He won’t let it go, he won’t do what’s right.
To the American dream, he’s become a blight.
He thinks he’s popular, some kind of hero.
The people know better, he’s one clueless zero.
Tighten your belts, it could be a long ride.
The fool in the White House, won’t swallow his pride.
D.L. Crockett — 6/16/22