Speculation? Tomorrows Reality?

Who's the sucker the White House is getting ready to chump.
The coke bag with fingerprints, are they gonna blame Trump.
Will they claim the cocaine has been there for over two years.
Will this be the next obfuscation, the world is going to hear.
If you can't believe a damn thing, this administration puts out.
Why wouldn't they try to blame Trump, the truth's easy to flout.
They could say the coke was found in a locker Trump used to use.
With this cabal in Washington the system's set up to abuse.
Half of the country will buy it, the other half will know it's a lie.
But in this day and age it seems the deceit always gets by.
The Department of Justice, will see justice won't be served.
The real culprit will walk away from punishment deserved.
Another indictment for the Donald, another scurillous charge.
We'll all see plain as day that justice has become a mirage.
All part of the land of hypocrisy, the leftists have put in place.
Accuse the right of what the left's done, said with a straight face.
The right doesn't have any power, none they will exercise.
They'll go along with injustice, because they like to play nice.
This is all just speculation, but who's to say it's not true.
We all know the left's modus operandi, it's something they'd do.
Their useful army of idiots, will swallow, hook, line and sinker.
The democrat party's not known for too many deep thinkers.
It will come apart in the end, in the meantime Trump's through.
One man can't go on forever fighting the corrupt demonrat crew.
Like I said, I said my speculations are picked up by leftist think tanks.
My speculation they call a conspiracy theory, and I get no thanks.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/18/23