Still Ranting

Twerking for toddlers, ball sacks hanging low.
Parents clapping and cheering such a sick show.
The children are frightened, the parents amused.
Having a ball, while their kids are being abused.
They love pervert inclusivity, and all it involves.
Including how a societies values quickly dissolve.
The creep show goes on, the feckless fools cheer.
Silently wishing their kids grow up transgender queer.

Working for peanuts as our dollar devalues.
Combing the shelves, looking for the best values.
Everything costs more, can't find anything cheap.
From the fool in the white house, not a peep.
He's quick though to tell us, prices are falling.
Smiling in our faces, he's annoying and galling.
This is the green new deal, minus the greenbacks.
A nest feathering paradise for democrat hacks.

Looking for straight answers, we get talking points.
from the drug addled losers the leftists annoint.
Life's becoming surreal, in a bizarre kind of way.
There's no one to trust or believe in now-a-days.
Promises are nothing but soon to be democrat lies.
 Promises can't be kept when there's no one who tries.
Lies are accepted and expected by the democrat base.
The same stupid crap, useful idiots shout in our face.

Thirsting for power, the left has lost all control.
Their scruples long ago sucked into a blackhole.
They have plenty of taxdollars to waste buying votes.
They have plenty of schmucks who love old randy goats.
Joe sold out to our enemies for millions of bucks.
everything he touches is crap, his excuses all suck.
Yet he still stands before us, he gibbers and squawks.
Everyone's got an a*shole, we've got one that talks.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/30/23
