The liars keep lying, the whiners keep whining.
Trump is more energized, his star is still rising.
The attackers keep coming, loaded for bear.
Trump is the bigger man, he doesn’t scare.
Trump’s always right, the left’s always wrong.
Brandon grows weaker, Trump’s growing strong.
Trump’s base still loves him, Biden is mocked.
If Joe heard this truth, he’d surely be shocked.
Trump turns the tables, Biden falls on his face.
Trump hasn’t even entered the 24 race.
Trump isn’t worried over threats Joey made.
Though he doesn’t know why, Brandon’s afraid.
Brandon looks over his shoulder, Trump looks ahead.
Trump’s happy go lucky, Joe’s filled with dread.
Trump looks to the future, Joe lives in the past.
Biden is hating life, Trump’s having a blast.
Trump is the teflon Don, Joe’s covered in shame.
Joe’s not self aware, Trump knows his own name.
Trump never breaks promises, Joe hasn’t kept one.
Trump speaks the truth, Joe’s lies go on and on.
Make America Great Again, Trump’s done it once.
Joe is anti-America like a typical marxist dunce.
This paints a clear picture, Trump is the Man.
He’s still got my vote, I’m his biggest fan.
My eyes are wide open, the future looks bright.
When Trump is elected, he’ll make things right.
D.L. Crockett — 8/17/22