Stupity springs forth from compromised demonrat minds
The Democrats liberal leaders, the racebaiting kind.
They latch onto ignorance and refuse to let loose.
Then smiling unknowingly they cook their own goose.
The majority of Americans have functioning brains.
They're not chasing pipedreams or illgotten gains.
They work for a living, staying off the government teat.
The fruits of their own labors are much more sweet.
We'll be happy with nothing, what fool thought of that.
Must be a Headful of rocks, under their demonrat hat.
Inflation is transitory, in a few years it will be gone.
Then we will welcome the Green New Deals dawn.
Meaning pablum for us, The Life of Riley for the elites.
With tax dollar refreshed, huge Government teats.
With us robbed of everything, except our will to live.
Too much pride for the handouts they want to give.
Soon they'll have nothing and come crawling to us.
Wanting us to pull them from under the government bus.
It's the way of the world, stupid policies never last long.
Life will be good til another stupid generation comes along.
Communism will once again fill young stupid minds.
With it's srupid commie hogwash, so appealing to demonrat minds.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/27/22