Swamp Scum Isn’t Slime

Inconvenient truths, become the Lefts convenient lies.
The truth is scapegoated, and conspiracies rise.
The Al Gores of the world create lies all the time.
Like global warming and swamp scum isn't slime.
None of it's real, only MSM fools would believe.
Or practiced prevaricators, that are paid to deceive.
Who can we trust, how about no one at all.
Check out behind them, the BS stuck to the wall.
Al Gores fearmongering supports his fat cat lifestyle.
You can see his forked tongue behind his lizards smile.
Obama's an accomplished liar with a polished delivery.
He's admired by leftists okay with his skullduggery.
Joe Biden's a bumbler, if his mouth's open he's lying.
Another give away are any fake tears he's crying.
He has no compassion, obviously he don't care.
He just opens his piehole and his lies fill the air.
He's never been fact checked, his lies always fly.
 So- called jounalists accept all his two-faced replies.
My message is always honest, I'm a discerner of truth.
I'm not like these democrats, born liars at birth.
 "Thou shalt not deny climate change, so say's Al Gore.
Thou shall sign every damn, stinking climate accord.
Think of the political nightmares we managed to avoid.
Like John Kerry the swiftboated, worthless hemorrhoid.
John McCain and Moot Romney, leftist rinos on parade.
We need Donald Trump to finally end the commie charade.
We need truth in politics, we don't need blathering scum.
We need American sympathizers beating the American drum.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/5/23 
