Take Heed

They peddle dreams of destruction, at the same time mongering fear.
They can't see no one is listening to their lies we don't care to hear.
Whose purpose is it they serve, whose glory is it they're seeking.
It seems they seek only power, the goal of most spiritual weaklings.
 Can they profess compassion for others, if they only care for theirself.
If the dreams peddled are nightmares, full of Satan's unwholesome filth.

Promises are made to be broken, by democrats, nothing but soon to be lies.
Can you believe a person who panders with fake tears shed from dry eyes.
If they only sing to their choir, a choir packed with their usefool fools.
If their only goal is gaining power, they won't hesitate to break all the rules.
Smiles will be shown in our faces, while sticking knives in our backs.
Ready to solve our problems, thinking they know what everyone lacks.

What the left is lacking in scruples, they attempt to make up with verve.
  They're not known as straight-shooters, throwing too many curves.
They love to paint pretty pictures, don't fall for their proferred deceit.
Their painted pictures are chimeric, like mirages caused by the heat.
Their smiling faces mean nothing, lies are always delivered with smiles.
Democrats are trained in deception, manipulation is one of their wiles.

Be cautious when dealing with people quick to exploit any weakness.
They are quick to take advantage, of any hesitation are meekness.
Think of it as dealing with the devil, remember he is their boss.
They are wont to use mass confusion, loving disorder and chaos.
If pride goeth before a fall, they're headed straight over a cliff.
They're what's rotten in Washington, suck it in, take a big whiff.
Remember the rot you are smelling, comes from compromised souls.
From the minions of Satan, fulfilling all of his evil goals.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/23/23