Taken Seriously

You demand to be taken seriously, are you insane?
You can't force me to be stupid, I've got a brain.
You aren't a serious person, your whole life is a lie.
I'd rather live with a junkie, than in your pig sty.
  Bitching about nothing, whining you're scared.
Crawl back under your rock, if you're so despaired.
What is your ultimate goal, is it earning God's wrath.
Grooming innocent children to follow Lucifer's path.
A transgender war on America, by an army of fools.
Have you no morals, you anti-societal ghouls.
Your thoughts are indecent, your actions distasteful.
Towards sane Americans, You are nothing but hateful.
I do not like your agenda, I have no compassion for you.
If you kept it to yourselves I wouldn't care what you do.
But here you are on the warpath, hogging the headlines.
Grooming young children, brainwashing young minds.
What do you expect parents and decent people to say.
When you're right in our faces, more lewd every day.
You have your place in society, not on the public stage.
You're all victims of nothing but your own faux outrage.
Go back to your drag bars leave the children alone.
Quit adding to the long list of sins for which you must atone.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/3/23
