Talking to Idiots

He hitched up his get-along and shuffled away.
Asked, "which way is up", he had nothing to say.
Asked, "How are you doing" he said, ''Doing what"
"I've forgot what I'm bringing, I've got what I brought"
"Are you serious" I asked, "are you out of your mind?
"Is more of your bulls*it all you can manage to find?
He spun on his heels, managed to fall on his face.
After faceplanting he mumbled "this is the place"
"My pro-pants" he said, "are chock full of crap"
He stuck his thumb in his mouth and started to nap.
People stepped over him, like it was normal behavior.
He was smiling happily, his thumb was his saviour.
 Farting constantly, noxious fumes filled the air.
He layed there like a fixture, even Jill didn't care.
Someone said, "I hope this doesn't sound rash.
We need to throw this fool out along with the trash."
We need Barack O'Brahma to get out of the picture.
These two are bad for America, a terrible mixture.
Eight years of O'Brahma were eight years of bull.
Eight years of destroying and selling America's soul.
Biden is compromised,  laying there under our feet.
It's time to trash their agenda and I mean toot-sweet.
Get this piece of offal, to a more fitting safe place.
It's time for Americans to try and save face.
Out with the clowns, it's time for patriots to be bold.
Screw the new world order, we were fine with the old.
That's O'Brahma on steroids, laying there on the floor.
Someone grab a broom and sweep this trash out the door.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/5/23