The Big Cabal

No matter all the fake tears, or all the dogs wagged.
Joe Biden's a traitor, signed, sealed and tagged.
No more declarations of innocense, no more protestations.
It's time he steps down from office, without hesitation.
No more mainstream media, with its litany of lies.
No more of the bullsh*t, of being there to deny.
Joe Biden's guilty, he knows it, we know it's true.
Instead of the Donald, it should be Biden that's through.
No more traitors in the White House, nobody walks.
It's time Joe's crime partners, line up and squawk.
If Barack Obama's involved, so be it, he goes down too.
Especially if he's the Big Guy, and he's running the crew.
It's disgusting and shameful, this charade carries on.
Everyone's trust in our government is pretty much gone.
 The democrat leaders have stepped way over the line.