The Black Book

Epstein is back with a vengeance, can the pedos suicide him again.
Can we first ask him, does he like the Hell he's been in.
Can he give us the names of all those he blackmailed.
Can he tell us of the sick crimes and the perverts entailed.
Someone had him killed, that someone had something to hide.
 Epsteins little black book has it all written inside.
Bill Clinton's name it appears is at the top of the list.
The Biden administration protects him, such a sick twist.
The evidence was all there, until Epstein had help checking out.
Conveniently Epstein is gone and everythings thrown into doubt.
The perverts thought it was over, they're in the limelight again.
There will be more suicides and deaths to cover their sins.
It's how Washington always works, the truth must be hid.
In the bizarro world of these pedos it seems like quo-pro- quid.
Nothing will happen, the usual suspects will murder the truth.
And the story won't be covered in MSM's broadcast booths.
There won't be a perp walk, that's naught but a dream.
 Elites being prosecuted, how unseemly that seems.
The black book will disappear, back into oblivion.
It's a sure bet nothing will happen to any elitist type scion.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/2/23
