The Border’s Secure

The border's secure, except for one coast to coast hole.
From the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of ole Mexico.
Brandon and Kamala, take American's for fools.
The Constitution don't matter, they just break the rules.
The chaos on the border, sure isn't their doing.
 It isn't their pandering and outright vote wooing.
The flood of caravans weren't encouraged by them.
The right likes to paint the future they're building as grim.
Trump had four years to conplete his damn wall.
To blame them for his failue, good golly, what gall.
Fentanyl is no problem, they just made a big bust.
I don't believe it for a minute, they've lost my trust.
It's too easy to lie and make up such a claim.
Just more smoke and mirrors, it's always the same.
Given money and phones, the illegals just disappear.
They have no idea, who the hell's coming in here.
The only security I see is, they're secure in their lies.
Thinking Americans are to dumb to believe their own eyes.
I believe what I'm seeing and it ain't what they say.
It's part of their stupid plan, to take our freedom away.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/15/22