The Christians Are Coming

[I wrote this thinking of the left's growing so called anti-religion and growing persecution of Christians. As I wrote it, it sounds exactly like a bizzaro world form of religion. Satan's religion of lies therefore is easier to follow for billions of easily bribed fools. It's much harder and demanding to be a good Christian]

The Christians are coming, run for the hills.
They're busily subverting, our democratic free wills.
They don't like our belief in "THE MASTER OF FRAUD"
They're mostly racists who want a white God.
An almighty being, who doesn't like evil.
Straight from the dark ages, it's all so primeval.
They claim that somehow we're all his kids.
We're here to be tested and do as he bids.
They gather in churches and preach of our doom.
While promising Christians will rise from the tomb.
If good they live forever, if bad, we die when we die.
It's not ours to question or even ask why.
Their reward for believing is called Paradise.
While we get eternity somewhere not so nice.
Satan is generous, it's a whole different game.
For our evil actions we will not be blamed.
We do what we want, who needs an Almighty God.
Satan himself claims there is no God.
It's fun to be evil, why not do evil things.
There's no God to answer to, waiting in the wings.
If there's no price for our actions, no eternal damnation.
Why not cast aside promised eternal salvation.
God and his Christians have just got to go.
It's good being evil, that's all I need to know.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/19/22