The Collective

The lies were bought into, the sale was made.
The march of destruction, would not be delayed.
When good people dither, the evil creeps in.
If we kept our eyes open, we'd recognize spin.
We must be diligent, we must be on our toes.
We must be able to spot a communist pose.
Our way of life, our freedom, must be preserved.
Our path to salvation, must not be deterred.
The left is not hindered by a conscience or morals.
We can't get caught up in their circular quarrells.
Claims of compassion, espoused with fake tears.
Go hand in hand with their mongering fears.
They are not semi-fascists, they are the pros.
In their quest for power, everything goes.
They want the free speech, that we are denied.
They hate the constitution, behind which they hide.
They love useful idiots, ignorant cannon fodder.
Drunk on their kool-aid, afraid of pure water.
They look down on us, from hypocrisy's heights.
Virtue signaling to God while denying his light.
This is the collective, evil's brainwashed minions.
Cluelessly ushering in the devil's dominion.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/6/22