There was a crooked old man, who had a crooked smile.
When folks saw him on TV they quickly changed the dial.
He had a crooked way of talking, a habit of telling lies.
A crooked way of thinking, a crooked twinkle in his eyes.
He flew many crooked miles, with his crooked pal Jinping.
They had many secret discussions of other crooked things
Joe accepted many crooked dollars, to sell our country out.
Biden knew he was a criminal, of that there is no doubt.
He had many hidden bank accounts to hide his crooked lucre.
The MSM covered his back, always quick to give him succor.
He has a crooked son who walks the straight and narrow.
It wasn't very long ago he was a drug-addicted crooked arrow.
He has a crooked puppetteer who has him doing crooked stuff.
They need more crooked money, crooked fools can't get enough.
They seek a paradise, where they will rule as crooked kings.
A place for crooked commiecrats, where they rule everything.
Yes, we're overrun by crooked rats, our countries great malaise.
Thriving on our tax-dollars, and their minions misguided praise.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/11/24