The Culprit

Trump is always the culprit no matter what.
Whatever he does gets the D-rats, bothered and hot.
They start sweating bullets, the tizzies begin.
 Trump Derangement Syndrome, kicks in again.
They've turned Trump into the real Teflon Don.
No matter what's thrown at him Trump marches on.
Trump's blamed for everything demonrats do.
Anyone with a functioning brain knows it's true.
He calls them insane, he laughs in their face.
He hasn't a problem jumping into their space.
The more he mocks them the more deranged they are.
The D-rats aren't laughing in their silly clown car.
They find friendly rinos, drag them into the fray.
TDS is really contagious, anyone can catch it they say.
That he's guilty of nothing, they refuse to believe.
They can't seem to catch him in the webs they weave.
The more they besmirch him, the more he is loved.
They've become hounds on his trail, hot for his blood.
When they think trump is treed he slips from their hands.
They get ever madder seeing how Trump then grandstands
He's been cheated out of an election, we all know he won.
Everyone knows it, it's why their hate carries on.
Maybe the Donald is seething deep inside.
Hurt to his core by all the bullsh*t they've tried.
I've got a strong feeling down in my gut.
We won't be seeing the Donald kissing democrat butt.
D.L. Crockett -- 1/17/23