The Fast Track

Is there a highway to Hell, the left hasn't traveled.
One not overcrowded with their typical rabble.
A fast track for idiots and gibbering fools.
For the groomers passing as teachers in our schools.
For so called doctors getting rich murdering babies.
For drag queen monsters who call themselves ladies.
A fast track for traitors, who sell out their country.
For one usurperous scumbag, is putting it bluntly.
For communist toadies and rino backstabbers.
For in your face smiling, gladhanding, back slappers.
For political hacks from both sides of the aisle.
Whose faces are plastered with insincere smiles.
For deadbeats, besmirchers and eager philanderers.
Fear mongering liars and vote seeking panderers.
A fast track for leaches without any possible worth.
For child-molestors aka the scum of the earth.
Or those deceivers, shamelessly shedding fake tears.
For those who vanish, when the truth finally appears..
For those who swear oaths they're eager to break.
Or can't fulfill the promises they constantly make.
The posers and charlatans the purveyors of pride.
The godless blasphemers who are on Satan's side.
A fast track for societal leeches and all hypocrites.
For government agents and compromised twits.
For anyone bearing false witness for personal gain.
And the millions of others who thrive on our pain.
The highway to Heaven isn't as crowded these days.
It's straight and it's narrow, no sidetracks, no delays.
Follow it and stay focused, tell Satan "Get Thee Hence"
 And whatever you do, don't try to straddle the fence.
God will watch over you, let God be your guide.
The promise of salvation is real, God has nothing to hide.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/18/23