The Final Bargain

When Satan harries our heels, remember what God said.
Through our acceptance of God, we crush Satan's head.
Satan knows this and he's furious, doubling his attacks.
Because of our Saviors sacrifice, he covers our backs.
Evil cannot touch us, through our faith in our God.
We can withstand any temptations by the master of fraud.
Lost souls are injuries inflicted on us by the evil one.
And like all such bruises, we can see them all gone.
Harsh words, shame, the lies he whispers in our ears.
His grief causing actions, his oft mongered fears.
Any of his evil that touches us, infirmities and addictions.
By our faith we are spared, the adversary's predilections.
Satan bruised Christ's heels, Christ crushed Satan's head.
Christ guaranteed God's promise when he rose from the dead.
Satan has no power over us because of that sacrifice.
Satan bruises our heels through any evil device.
Satan's goal is ruining our physical existence with temporal strife.
Because of Jesus he cannot steal our eternal lifes
Because of the atonement we can say, "Satan, get thee hence"
We must pick God's side, we cannot sit on the fence.
We must accept the gospel of Christ into our hearts.
If we follow Christ's teachings the blessings will start.
Christ's love for us is eternal, Satan love's only himself.
Satan wants your spiritual death, drowning in filth.
Give your heart to your Savior, stay on the right path.
Salvation is the best plan for eternity any man hath.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/23/23