The Laptop

Is it the laptop from Heaven or the laptop from Hell.
Probably for the Bidens, it bodes nothing but ill.
A story of influence peddling, around the globe.
Corruption in high places, needs to be probed.
Is this behind the FBI raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago.
A legacy of Obama's machine from Chicago.
No wonder they're frantic to get rid of Trump.
Is Trump getting ready, for a big document dump.
Stuff that isn't top secret, the left wants suppressed.
Crimes against America, that must be addressed.
Whatever Trump has, they're frantic to know.
They're shook in their boots of what he can show.
It's a laptop from Heaven to those on the right.
Proof of Brandon's malfeasance, and communist blight.
His minions are scurrying, protecting Joe's ass.
Proof of corruption that can't come to pass.
Were nuclear secrets once sold by the Bidens?
Is that the big secret, they fear Trump is hidin'.
The laptop is a treasure trove the left wants to hide.
A lightning bolt out of Heaven they don't want to ride.
It's really apparent that they're running scared.
It's the last thing on earth they want shared.
They can't run from the truth, it always comes out.
It's catching up with them, without a doubt.
Their secrets exposed, should give them a chill.
It's the laptop from Heaven, their ticket to Hell.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/9/22