The Legacy

Joe Biden's a thinking man, his brain is on fire.
He gets all his great ideas from an implanted wire.
He also travels extensively, a frequent lowflyer.
He's loves the swamp with it's muck and mire.

Joe Biden's a businessman, he made a great fortune.
His success compared to his skill is out of proportion.
Some say his talent is blackmail, some say extortion.
His nest has been feathered, through others misfortunes.

What little influence Joe had, he had Hunter peddle.
Joe's greed served him well, raking in millions of shekels.
In affairs of other states Joe loved to dictate and meddle.
In covering his tracks, for decades Joe showed his mettle.

The past has caught up with Joe, the hounds at his heels.
Joe's got a bad poker face, we can see how he feels.
He now angers easily as the truth slowly reveals.
What will Joe's reaction be if his son Hunter squeals.

Joe still has Merrick Garland at his beck and call.
Busy destroying evidence, putting up a great wall.
Joe puts forth many denials, which are tall tales all.
Joe can't shake Donald Trump, who's inside his skull.

Joe fears destroying his legacy, if that ain't a bi*ch.
The MSM is the only ones, scratching that itch.
Joe's doubling down on his lies, making his pitch.
If Joe doesn't get reelected, do we get Kamala the witch.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/9/23