Rage against the machine used to be the Liberal's cry.
Now it's kiss the machine's ass and spread all it's lies.
They were anti-government, now they're government goons.
They lick the oppressers boot, and dance to it's tune.
For their freedom of speech, they'd march in the streets.
Now they line up to suck on that government teat.
They're eager to take away the free speech of others.
Their favorite pronouns were my sisters and brothers.
The man was the enemy, now they are the man.
They now love dictatorships like China and Iran.
All life being sacred, has become, sing your abortion.
Fighting Big Brother, has become succomb to coercion.
Colleges used to be the liberal's bastion of free speech.
Now Marxism and Socialism is all the professors teach.
The Kent State Four used to be the rally cry of the day.
Now they will mow down anyone who gets in their way.
The liberal's have become their own worst nightmare.
Willing hacks for government, what they used to call 'SQUARES"
D.L. Crockett -- 9/4/22