Don’t talk about grooming, it’s too close to the truth.
The left’s goal is chaos by brainwashing our youth.
Teach them to be radicals, that anarchy’s good.
Groom them to burn down their own neighborhoods.
Groom the kids to be racists, to hate everyone.
The left is responsible, scruples and morals are gone.
Teachers and professors have an agenda of hate.
Nothing is good enough, teach kids how not to relate.
Sex changes for children, their pro-nouns are fluid.
Science is magic now, teachers become athiest druids.
The minds of the children are now compromised.
Groomed to be society’s sociopaths, heads filled with lies.
It starts in our public tax payer funded subverted schools.
Bedlam and chaos are changing kids into ghouls.
Non-gendered anarchists, who don’t know who they are.
All taught to climb into the insane, commie clown car.
Who cares for the children, not old collegiate baby boomers.
A whole generation of evil marxist, child groomers.
Gender affirming bulls**t, pro-noun nonsensical crap.
A state run hind tit to suck on full of communist pap.
The department of education is out of control.
Bureaucrats and teachers unions have the same goal.
Grooming our children to usher in Satan’s Hell.
Filling their heads with, sick, twisted, satanic swill.
Nothing good will come from this agenda of doom.
The minions of chaos now control the classroom.
D.L. Crockett — 8/4/22