The Night Before Yesterday

Twas the night before yesterday and all through New York.
Folks were regretting, electing Eric Adams, The Dork.
Criminals running rampant, citizens cowering behind doors.
The streets are not safe for cops or streetwalking whores.
Children are tossing and turning, crying in their beds.
While nightmares of groomers, fill their little heads.
Grandpa and grandma were hiding, deathly afraid of corona.
 With Adams the BS was deeper than in the streets of Pamplona.
Folks were rueing the day they got rid of Andrew Cuomo.
Kathy Hochul was more of a communist than U2s Bono.
Adam's is scrambling, looking for cameras and news crews.
His soul purpose in life, getting on the 8:00 O'Clock News.
New York is a sanctuary city, where no one feels safe.
Least of all illegal aliens from Mexico or homeless street waifs.
Adams is worse than DiBlasio more goofy than Don Knotts.
He's looking for cameras, while the whole city rots.
New York is rapidly becoming America's biggest sh*thole.
Could it be that's the democrats sought after, ultimate goal.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/21/22