The Party of Crime

Tell the police to stand by, but keep an eye on the crime.
Looks like a brilliant idea by big city demonrat slime.
Don't touch the criminals, arrest those who get in their way.
Say goodbye to your taxbase, as taxpayers move away.
It tells me American cities, are in the hands of the crooks.
Could they be more concerned with pandering to schnooks.
How long are Americans going to keep accepting this crap.
Until the out of control looting lands square in their laps.
When the organized gangs have chased stores out of town.
Then what happens next, they'll be kicking your door down.
When they help themselves, to your hardearned stuff.
Is that when you start shooting, when you've had enough.
What's with demonrat politicians, are they all paid off.
Bribed with federal taxdollars from the treasury trough.
Paid to watch silently, while feathering their own nests.
It's all about the benjamins, the crime must be addressed.
 Streets are overrun  by the worst kind of human vermin.
Good citizens fear for their safety because of the scum.
The only thing the DOJ cares about, is railroading Trump.
And stealing 4 more years of power for a traitorous chump.
We've turned into looky-loos, watching a crime wave on TV.
While Joe Biden and cronies tell us there's nothing to see.
The MSM spins up a litany of lies and spits in our faces.
Spewing the usual talking points, white peoples is racists.
When will this bullshit end, your guess is as good as mine.
When justice is finally served all the way up the democrat line.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/14/23