The Party’s Over

His senses were heightened, he was getting more meth.
At least he would be aware if he fell to his death.
His skin felt all tingly, his eyes bounced in his skull.
Unlike the old Humpty-Dumpty, he wasn't taking a fall.
His thoughts were a jumble, he was thinking too fast.
He was already craving, another huge blast.
Talking a mile a minute, he still garbled his words.
It took him a full hour to squeeze out a small turd.
He was driving Jill crazy, she hated the new amped up Joe.
She was so sick and tired of the whole stupid show.
Instead of Joe dying slowly they were killing him quick.
This chasing the dragon wasn't Joe's normal Schtick.
She liked her hubby better, sound asleep in his crib.
Or spoonfeeding him Gerbers, fidgeting in his bib.
Like a drugged up 2 year old, joe was zipping around.
In no time at all they'd be planting him 6 feet underground.
She didn't make the decision, she thought Joe should retire.
Every day his condition was growing more dire.
But the powers that be, the puppetmaster Barack.
Wanted the charade to go on, and Joe couldn't talk back.
They were using Joe up and none of them cared.
These people were all evil, every day she despaired.
Their Ivory tower was crumbling, their world upended.
Joe broke so many laws his actions could not be defended.
Denial works for a while but with the wolves at the door.
They'd throw Joe to the wolves when useful no more.
The good life was over, Joe was headed for prison.
They had trusted Obama, what a stupid decision.
She would be out on the streets, with Hunter gone too.
She'd die of a deserved broken heart, but what could she do.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/7/23