The Perfidy of It

The Left peddles death, they call it vaccine.
Seems like a part of their depopulation scheme.
Taking out the young in their prime of life.
A stab to the heart by an implanted knife.
 Mandating a vaccine, one not fully tested.
Speak out against it and you could be arrested.
Joe Biden has taken it, he's boosted too.
he hasn't dropped dead, he's good as new.
Did He really get vaxxed, was it all a show.
He's had covid 3 times so who the hell knows.
Why is our government obsessed with death.
Coast to coast, across the land's breadth.
Murdering Babies, enabling Fentenyl smugglers.
Untested vaccines in the hands of bad jugglers.
People are dying, our leaders have nothing to say.
Fauci's, our Mr. Science, story changes each day.
Are the Chinese responsible, why can't we find out.
It's obvious Fauci hasn't a clue what he's talking about.
Get the investigation rolling, something ain't right.
Something's rotten in China, it's right in plain sight.
We can't count on Biden and the damn demonrats.
Or trust in Big Pharma those monstrous fat cats.
We must trust the GOP house to get the job done.
The perfidy of the demonrats must be unspun.
D.L. Crockett -- 1/13/23