The Poser

You call it moral ambiguity, I call it an immoral contagion.
You call it a secure border, I call it an invited invasion.
You call it gender fluidity, I recognize it as pandered perversion.
You call for a New World Order, I call it an unwanted incursion.

You call it pro-choice aka women's rights, I call it pro-death.
You think you do a good job, I think you're high on meth.
 You think you're on the high road, I call it the highway to Hell.
You think you speak the truth,I think you're a communist shill.

Who are you to bring change, you're no one deserving our trust.
You're an unwelcome usurper, whose ideas need to be flushed.
You call your dream inclusivity, I call it social distortion.
You say we should pay our fair share, I call it outright extortion.

You call yourself fearless leader, I see a fool in disguise.
You say you're loved by the people, boy will you be surprised.
Your days go by in a blur, I see a sick brian in a fog.
You're having sweet dreams, I think you dream of the bog.

You claim the economies cooking, I think you're burning it down.
When you're trying to look serious, you come off like a clown.
When you say "DON'T JUMP" I wish you'd jump off a cliff.
You think your crap doesn't stink, I think you ain't got a good whiff.

You think you're a great leader, you really don't know who you are.
You're told you got 81 million votes, I say someone lowered the bar.
You say you're creating jobs, I think you're a demon of death.
You tell us things will get better, I say, don't hold your breath.

You think you'll be reelected, I think you're out of your mind.
The MSM decribes you as popular, I think those fools are blind.
You tell us you're a good christian, surely you're up in the night.
 Your soul you sold to the devil, you've strayed too far from the light.

Your name need not cross my lips, we all know who you are.
You're the worst president we've had, our worst leader by far.
Something really stinks in D.C., everyone's holding their nose.
You really can't see the truth, the poser continues to pose.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/5/23