The Predicament

Joe Biden's caught up in a quandary, he doesn't know which way to go.
He finds himself in a predicament, get some popcorn, check out the show.
He finds himself in hot water, he needs to know which lies to use.
That's why Joe's wagging the Donald, why the DOJ heaps on the abuse.
Only fools would stick up for Biden, Main Stream Media and the View.
You need to have a compromised brain to think you'll learn anything new.
If you don't think Joe Biden is guilty, you've got your head up your a*s.
You can keep it buried up there forever, thinking, this too shall pass.
Like O'reilly wasting time with Geraldo, it can't end quick enough.
I guess Geraldo makes Bill look better, that's why he talks to old duffs.
I think Biden's days are now numbered, if he were aware he'd know it too.
I guess Barrack hasn't informed him, Joe is pretty much screwed.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/9/23