The Prisoner Swap

Biden can't wait to pander in foto-ops with Brittany Griner.
He's bringing back to America another flag hating whiner.
She does not like America, she hates most Americans.
She was in Moscow, visiting her heroes the Russians.
Stupid is as stupid does, she was caught smuggling an illegal buzz.
It was really hash oil, MSM says CBD, which is because.
CBD's harmless, Hash Oil in the U.S. is a schedule 1 drug.
The Democrats paint it as harmless, say "Oh well" and shrug.
He's just a misled, young, WNBA player, we need her back.
Tell Putin Britt's sorry, that Russian anti-drug laws are wack.
We'll trade Britt one for one, for the well known Viktor Bout.
AKA - "The Merchant of Death" we'll trot him right out.
He should stay locked up here, to rot in our prison.
But Biden is anxious to make this stupid decision.
Joe's approval rate's falling, for him it's a plus-plus.
He frees an LGBTQ creep, and throws America under Putin's bus.
Plus the Merchant of Death, can pick up where he left off.
Spreading death and destruction from the Russian Arms Trough.
Good call Joe, you've learned well from Barrack and Bergdahl.
There's nothing intelligent, sloshing around in your empty skull.
But at least Britt is back home, free to keep dissing the flag.
You got your Foto-op and we're left holding the bag.
D.L. Crockett -- 12/9/22