The Problem With Hollywood

There's a problem in Hollywood, It's the movies they make.
It's their depiction of cops, that they're all on the take.
The cops are corrupt, not good guys but crooks.
The same thing on T.V. and in most modern books.
The fools wasting their money, don't have a clue.
The movies are bullshit like Hollywood's bullshit too.
Real cops are heros, not actors with guns shooting blanks.
Instead of the lefts scorn, they deserve all of our thanks.
Hollywood movies aren't real, they're as fake as fake news.
Made by bad actors, to sharing their demonrat views.
They're sucked up by the victims of the left's toxic neglect.
Those who don't deserve an ounce of our respect.
Hollywood convinces idiots cops kill thousands of blacks
By watching stupid  cop movies made by Hollywood hacks.
What's become of good messages, where is the truth.
The way they celebrate each other is truly uncouth.
I'm through wasting my money, supporting these fools.
With their transgender agenda they're pushing like ghouls.
The Hollywood walk of Fame, is now the walk of shame.
Divorced from reality, Satan's agenda is the name of the game.

D.L. Crockett == 3/27/22