The Rat Race

Turn over more Washington rocks, what will we find.
More demonic critters and rats of all types and kinds.
Rats like the Bidens, brazenly denned up in the White House.
It's like a soap opera, the place should be deloused.
We'll find the FBI is infested, by a colony of big evil rats.
Wray's belfry is compromised by flying rat-looking bats.
Lady Justice has fled, she's no longer found there.
Those big evil demonrats have fouled up the air.
Biggy Rat, Merrick Garland, has remodeled his home.
The DOJ is the biggest rats nest, this nation has known.
The Halls of Justice are fouled, smelling like rat pi*s.
Just like demonrats like, it fills them with bliss.
The Senate's in the clutches of Biggy Rat's favorite groomer.
Schumer the rat baby groomer at least that's the rumor.
The capitol police are gone, it's now the capitol rat patrol.
Infesting the house of the people is their obvious goal.
The whole city's contaminated, no more shining city.
Every rats chasing their cheese, no time to show pity.
Pity is the last thing to be found in demonrat brains.
They're consumed by the rat race, chasing capital gains.
They don't give a Rat's a*s for us, its all about them.
If a Pied Piper doesn't show up, our future is grim.
Be he Trump or Desantis or even Vivek Ramaswamy.
The big rat in the White House has grown far to smarmy.
Keep blowing your horns, lead the rats out of town.
Lead them back to the swamp, where they hopefully drown.
We need relief from this plague, we need real change.
A country run by demonrats is twisted and strange.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/11/23

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