The Reckoning

Out of the woodwork, from under their rocks.
From creepy people who thrive on Tik-Tok.
From the swamps deeps, from out of the blue.
The fear-mongering perverts are coming for you.
Their message is evil, their intent is demonic.
An assault on our senses, that isn't harmonic.
Like scratching on glass, assailing our ears.
Or like a dog whistle, that no one can hear.
It's rousing the rabble, instigating the fools.
Honing and whetting, the left's favorite tools.
Filling empty skulls, with aberrent drivel.
In lizard like faces, reptilian eyes swivel.
Marching orders recieved, the battles enjoined.
Endarkened idiots whose brains were purloined.
  Justice is breeched, the senate compromised.
No one acts alarmed, why is no one surprised.
The Constitution's attacked, the Supreme's ignored.
It's a communist nightmare we're headed toward.
Where patriots rally, the maggots are crushed.
When the truth comes out the liars are hushed.
The left's routed easily, running from the truth.
A reckoning will shut down fake news broadcast booths.
Back into the woodwork and out of our skulls.
The creatures will flee as the house of cards falls.
The swamp will be emptyied, the rocks rolled away.
The forces of communist evil, shall never hold sway.
The sun will shine again, the children will sing.
The vulture in the white house, will take to it's wings.
D. L. Crockett -- 7/24/23