I heard a scientist on the corner, claiming God was dead. He wore a sign round his neck saying Scientist Fred. He claimed he'd searched the Universe looking for God. He didn't like people calling him a perpetrator of fraud. It had become his purpose in life, since he'd become "Woke" To spout stupid nonsense making God a scapegoat. A scapegoat for everything that has happened to him. To him and his same sex wife, a pervert named Jim. If God is dead I asked him, how can he persecute you.. Fred said, "I've discovered it's something, dead God's can do". Who made you a scientist, asked I, do you have any papers. I'm Scientist Fred, he said, and you give me the "vapors". I imagine God loves you, I said, You should get off the crack. Quit listening to democrats and get off of God's back. I'm a scientist, said Fred, you're supposed to believe. You're supposed to fall into any web a scientist weaves. My thoughts are science, I know so much more than you. If I say "God is Dead" my science means every words true. So hop back on your high horse, get out of my face. I don't need you or your God, crowding my space. I got back on my highhorse, got home, turned on the TV. Scientist Brandon mongering climate change the first thing I see. D.L. Crockett -- 12/11/22