The Taxman

Now that March Madness is gone, April Lunacy has arrived.
The taxman is coming, we'll all see how we've been jived.
You'll put your hand in your pocket and find another hand there.
Uncle Sam stealing your money calling it your fair share.
It's being stolen from you to distribute for democrat votes.
To elect more democrat posers and randy old goats.
The Taxman is grinning, April 15 is his day in the sun.
We won't be feeling so chipper when the thievery's done.
Hands stuck in empty pockets, we'll just go back to work.
Being that much closer to broke is no reason to shirk.
It's the democrat's favorite part of the American dream.
While every April 15, half of Americans want to scream.
D.L. Crockett -- $/13/23