The Teflon Don

He's destroyed paradise, let's elect Gavin Newsome.
He could run with Kennedy, a real terrible twosome.
We'd have two, twofaced liars for a total of four faces.
A slew of ignorant a-holes to crowd our sacred places.
One stands for nothing, the other stood up for naught.
The perfect replacement for the jackass we've got.
It's hard to believe that life could suck even more.
Yet that's what we'd get with a new tandem of whores.
Kamala's out of the picture, if Joe's been dethroned.
Her only chance to run is if Joe's old ass isn't cloned.
Who else do democrats have in their panoply of buffoons.
The list is pretty damn short of any capable goons.
I guess there's a chance that stupid can finally be cured.
Or that Joe isn't as braindead as they made him appear.
How can a person commit crimes if they're not aware.
How could Joe ever be tried, if he's not mentally there.
It's quite the conundrum, perhaps a democrat ploy.
To keep Joe out of trouble until he's reemployed.
Meantime They'll destroy Trump, hound him to death.
 Nippin  at his heels he won't be allowed to catch breath.
They've charged him with crimes, they know won't stick.
That's why their kangaroo courts should do the trick.
Their actions grow tedious, the persecution unjustified.
Rest assured the pre-picked witnesses are lined up to lie.
If Trump is the Teflon Don, Everything will turn out swell.
Trump will again be elected, the democrat plots shot to hell.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/21/23