Student Loan Forgiveness, I call the "Vote Securing Act"
Buying votes with our tax money, and that's a fact.
It's supposed to go through congress, but "what the hell"
A flourish of Biden's pen, works just as well.
The "Inflation Reduction Act" worked so damn good.
We can afford another 300 billion, if we just knock wood.
What's a paltrey quarter trillion dollars, here and there.
If we can show these deadbeats how much we care.
Why not make Peter feel loved by robbing Paul.
Why not make Brandon feel special and 10 feet tall.
Why not piss off the tax payers, we'll just get over it.
We'll be happy with nothing, you democrat twits.
Help these poor college kids, make their debt go away.
Why should they have to work to pay their own way.
This shows what a self-serving a-hole, Joe Biden is.
To serve his leftist agenda, he gives us the biz.
He's foolishly stirring up the proverbial hornet's nest.
Forgetting that in our whitehouse, he is only our guest.
The fools put him in there but we can boot him out.
Show him what folks mad as hornets are all about.
His "Vote Securing Act" won't succeed in securing his Job.
Everyone's is tired and sick of this pandering slob.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/24/22

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