The Whole Truth

Swearing to tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth, 
means nothing, to someone who does nothing but lie.
What is the point of a liar taking an oath of office,
raising his hand while solemnly swearing to God on high.
God knows the heart and mind of a consumate liar,
Yet we gullible humans, like fools cheer and applaud.
We stupidly accept the oath of a truth defiler,
Giving him the licence to commit fraud after fraud.
We expect to see scruples from men with no conscience.
we expect compassion from a man weeping fake tears.
We expect to see morals, from a man with no boundaries,
we expect honesty from a man constantly mongering fear.

Should we accept any form of sworn testimony,
from a person whose life is a lie before God.
Should we believe an insincere testimony of Christ,
from a charlatan who has never clung to the rod.
Why put our faith in agendas espoused by idiots,
when our purpose in life is fulfilling God's plan.
Why would we subvert our free agency to Satan,
if it's in our best interest to be God fearing men.
Why believe the promises of an ancient deceiver,
one whose promises are so easily spoken.
Why not believe in an all powerful God,
whose promise of salvation will never be broken.

There are no temporal blessings, that are not flowing from God.
 Nothing but temporal vices, flow from the master of fraud.
Blessings come from our obedience and our adherence.
to the ten commandments, and biblical laws.
Temporal trinkets and filthy lucre are the rewards,
for accepting the lies, we let satan cram down our craws.
We are here to pursue our eternal salvation,
to live and learn to enable our spititual growth.
We're not here to take the easier path to damnation,
We are here to honor our covenants, vows and sworn oaths.
There is no easy path to redemption, the easy path leads to ill,
Grace comes from Christ's atonement, in Christ all is well.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/23/23
