Why has half of the country become entitlement whores.
Why have half of the people decided to not work anymore.
What has become of the American dream we once had.
When did the pursuit of happiness, drive us all mad.
We used to be happy before the onset of greed.
Before all that we saw, became something we need.
When we had problems, we solved them together.
When the only climate changing, we called the weather.
It took no more than two dollars to fill a cars tank.
When you knew and trusted the folks in the bank.
Why are we no longer paid interest on savings accounts.
Why has our tax burden rose to enormous amounts.
Why has our government become the bane of our life.
Why do our elected officials sow division and strife.
Why are our churches now empty, why is God mocked.
We watched it all happen, yet no one was shocked.
What has become of wholesome TV and good people.
Why have we sold our souls to become Satan’s sheeple.
Where is our faith and our respect for our God.
Why do we willingly follow the Master of fraud.
It’s because we now worship, the almighty dollar.
We have subverted our free agency to Lucifer’s collar.
We must reclaim our souls and return to God’s path.
We must renew our covenant or feel God’s wrath.
Satan watches smugly, thinking he’s finally won.
He thinks our plan of redemption and Salvation is gone.
We must reverse the progress of this train hurtling to Hell.
We must cast off Satan’s shackles and subvert to God’s will.
D.L. Crockett — 7/19/22

2 responses to “THE WHY OF IT ALL”

  1. Excellent Doug.

    It seems we glorified the seven deadly sins instead of avoiding them.
    If that is not satans work then I don’t know what is. When the USA falls the apocalypse begins. We must do our best to clue the lost in. Time is running out.