The Wreck of the Doofus

Damn these debates, when Biden proves he's half dead.
Who planted this ridiculous idea in his chowderhead.
Who hasn't been watching him playing the fool for 4 years.
What kind of blind, twisted idiot would deny how he appears.
It was foolish thinking he'd beat Trump and walk off a winner.
When his brights are shut off and he's operating on dimmers.
Here we are 2 days after the massacre, Biden's yapping again.
Talking about the second debate and how he's going to win.
I think Joe has a bigger problem, his wife is no kind of lady.
Jill has helped restore his confidence treating him like a baby.
He answered all of his questions, his diaper wasn't filled.
He scored point after point while Trump stood and chilled.
I certainly thought Biden was making a fool of himself.
It was obvious to the whole world he was in terrible health.
Now Joe's back to yelling and screaming flying into his rages.
I don't think he can see his party has started turning the pages.
Joe looks brainwashed like false praise has gone to his head.
Has Jill found a new potion to bring him back from braindead.
I guess time will tell, sh*t will smell and Joe might survive.
It looks more and more like his campaigns demise is in overdrive.
Donald Trump won the debate, though Joe did tell the most lies.
The MSM got the whole thing cattywampus, no big surprise.
Trump is going back to the white house, Joe will rest his neck.
Joe proved the one thing he's capable of is creating a wreck
D.L. Crockett -- 6/29/24


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