They Say, I Think

Joe says, it's not as bad as you think. 
I think, then it's gotta be worse.
Joe says, the economy's under control.
I think, not if you're holding the purse.
Joe says, not a joke, not a joke.
I think, who are you trying to kid.
Joe says, don't jump, you might land on your head.
I think, is that what you yourself did.
Joe says, my son Hunter's a good lad.
I think, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.
Joe says, I feel America's pain.
I think, you don't give a hoot about me.

Kamala says, I've got the border secured.
I think, you're clearly out of your mind.
Kamala says, I'm what America needs.
I think, we already have a blind fool leading the blind.
Kamala says, I'm the most verbose VP.
I think, maybe so when you talk out your a*s.
Kamala says, I love a yellow school bus.
I think, you best quit smoking the grass.
Kamala says, I'll be the next president.
I think, that's ambitious  for pandering scum.
Kamala says, I'm going to confiscate your guns.
I think, yeah witch, what I said about scum.

Democrats say, the proof's in the pudding.
I think, you've been checking Joe's diapers.
They say, we always have good Intentions.
I think, compared to a den full of vipers?
They say, our dreams for you are not nightmares.
I think, why do you scream in your sleep.
They say, we need to take more from the rich.
I think, You demonrats are such greedy creeps.
They say, you need to do this for your own good.
I think, for our own good you're robbing us blind.
They say, the right is destroying our democracy.
I think, there you go with your two-faced  hypocrisy.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/16/23